25 October 2011

Hello again! 
Its been a while I know, and I do apologize. Life just seems to get away for me at times. 

So what is new? 
Not to much on my end, but I'm working on changing that. I am actually working on a random project I just decided I wanted to do. No, I'm not going to tell what it is until its done. So I guess you're just going to have to keep coming back and see. Annoying I know, but deep down you're curious. So if you feel the need go ahead and guess what it could be. Guess, I dare you! 

I so excited to carve my pumpkin this year! I have been waiting for what feels like forever! Its going to be great. I'm basing it off of one of my sketches; and I hope it turns out as awesome at is looks in my head. Fingers crossed!

Also, for those of you who haven't carved your pumpkins as well. I have made a template that is in the "Free for You" page. I don't know about you, but I love to watch certain movies around Halloween. And one of my favorites it Corpse Bride. I know, I know, it isn't really a Halloween movie, but it's one of my favorites! Along with Hocus Pocus! I don't care what anyone says, that is one of the best movies ever! 

Well, back to what I was saying. I love Corpse Bride. So in honor of the movie I decided to make a templet of the dog Scrapes for you to use on your pumpkins. Happy carving!

06 October 2011

Hello World!
This is my first official post of  
"Don't Forget to Fly!"

You may be wondering what that means. In correlation with numerous other blog titles; ambiguity seems to be highly sought after, and mine is no exception. You as a reader can interpret and decided its mean in anyway you see fit! However, for me it represents reaching for your goals and never let anyone or anything stand in your way. Pretty great message, right?

"Don't Forget to Fly" is a blog I personally designed, where I can share my thoughts and designs. That's right folks, other potentially awesome design blog. Emphasizes on the potential. As you may notice it is barely up and running and is a work in progress. So please keep checking back! I promise things will start happening! 

Hoping to see and hear from all of you, and remember 
"Don't Forget to Fly!" Best!