13 March 2012

Talented Tuesday. 
Its easy to forget how very talented people are. So today I'm going to remind everyone how talented they are. I want to start with my family; firstly my parents. Mom and dad you guys are great, you are always there for us kids and you never force judgment on us. I mean you let me graduate from college with an art degree! So thanks! You two are the best example of how to live a happy life. You two show us that love, kindness and family are what matter in life. So thank you for making me who I am.
Jenny, you have some serious skills. You are extremely smart and talented. I mean, you beat me in every school activity, from elementary school art contests to running laps around me in track. You are very capable of taking care of yourself and others. Which is a skill that I envy. So stop doubting yourself, you are an awesome person.
Abby, its like you can do anything. You can pick up a pencil and draw something amazing in just ten minutes, the same goes for your musical talent. You are the only person I know that can teach herself a new instrument within a few days. I think that is a skill everyone wishes they had. You can do anything so don't hold back.
Brett, you are family now too. You are an awesome person, you are very kind and you treat Jenny amazingly. There is something to be said about being an all around good person. You have to be the only person I know that can be kind and polite to someone who is yelling at you for their problem. That is a great quality so don't lose it.
To all my extended family, you guys are all great and kind people. Don't forget who you are.

My best friends. Lets start alphabetically, just for fun. 
Allie, you are a sweet, fun and kind person. You have a vibrant and a one of a kind personality that I wish I had. You are super funny and super talented. Its like you can do anything once you put your mind to it. I mean, you made me an awesome dinosaur blanket because you could. I just know that you are going to do great things in life. I know I don't say it, but thanks for being one of my best friends.
Jason, you are super fun and intelligent. You are the only person I know that can get numerous 4.0 in college; and in physics and mathematics none the less! I think you are an amazing person who has overcome many difficulties and you should be recognized for that. You are a great person and I know, just like Allie, that you are going to do great things within your life time. Thank you too for being one of my best friend over the years.  
Nikki, you have been my art buddy for years. You are super talented in art and design and I envy your creativity. You are super fun to be around and your talent is going to take you places. Thanks for always being a good friend. Also, one of these days I'm going to steal your sketchbook. Just a heads up.
Tate, I have had the pleasure of getting to know you over the past year. You are sweet, funny and a joy to be around. I know you are capable of extraordinary things, because of all the things you have done and the things you have overcome. I'm really glad to have you as a new friend; and thank you for hanging out with Jason's weird friend.
To all my Graphic Design classmates. You are all extremely talented individuals and I had a great time getting to know all of you. You are all going to change the world, one design at a time. Good luck in your futures and I hope you all stay in touch! 
To everyone else who reads this, know that you guys are my friends too and that I do know and remember all the great things you do. You are all talented and kind people, so live your lives to the fullest.


  1. That is very sweet of you, Lindsey. :-) Thank you! I love you!!

  2. Awww Thanks Linds! You should listen to your words of wisdom too! You know you are extremly talented too, and are fantastic! Love you
